Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Another shot of the "mini" ought-to-be-6ft sunflowers. I'm trying to remember if this is what the source plant looked like at this time last year.

On the one hand, I really liked the plant we had last year. I was looking forward to two of them filling up the bare expanse of wall at the back of the house. On th eother hand, if I have a cross on my hands, if I can get the seeds to come up true to this new mini next year, I might have just inadvertendly created a new dwarf. None of the dwarfs I've seen on th emarket are red, and this one looks like it will be. It also looks like it might be a branching plant. The base of the leaves has signs of something going on there.
On yet another hand (pretend I have a third), I swaped seeds with people and thought I swapped the pure seeds, but now I'm not so sure. I thought I was growing the pure seeds but these just don't look "right" to me, based on my fuzzy recollection of how last year's tall sunflower grew. I don't know how I mixed them up, but I seem to have.

So this is both really neat and disapointing at the same time. I don't know what I want to hope these plants will become.

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