Friday, April 08, 2005

These are some of the plants I have along the kitchen windowsill. The 9-cell tray on the right has peas (Fortune garden peas I think). The 3" pot nearest the window beside the tray has Hershey pepper plants, beside that is a Gardener's Delight tomato plant. The rest of those pots have Cascadia (sugar snap) and Fortune peas.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

A winter-sown Cosmos sprout.

A water bottle with the top on. There are 4 newspaper pots in the bottle.

The top of a water bottle I've cut up to use as a winter-sowing container.

Friday, April 01, 2005


After having ignored them for the most part since planting them, I checked on my winter-sown flats today. Much to my surprise things are actually growing out there.

A couple colours of cosmos are up and a whole flat (9 cells, one seed to each) of morning glories look like they will be up any day now. I know this because I couldn't resist digging around in the flats to see what was growing. Some pepper and tomato seeds look like they are trying to sprout roots, hopefully watering them today helped and they will grow a little faster.

After I write this I'm going to plant a more cosmos seeds and some other stuff (haven't decided what yet) and then try to remember to take pictures of the plants I've got sitting in front of the kitchen window (the peas, a couple of tomatoes,...).

Just another 5 weeks until the last frost date. I'm tempted to print out a calendar just so I can X out the days. (grin)