Sunday, August 08, 2004

The death of my garden. 80% of the seeds I planted either never grew, or started to grow and "vanished" within a few day or over the course of the summer. The slugs seem to have preferences for what they will eat. They do like yellow sunflowers, they don't like the dark red ones very much. They do like just about all of the wildflowers I planted, they don't like flax plants. Unfortunetly they do like pumpkins. My first potential pumpkin bloomed one day, looked fine the next, and the day after was hollowed out and fell off the vine. I've read I can protect my baby pumpkins by surounding them with sand. Apparently slugs don't like to call across sand. I have a bag of sand I plan to spread around some female flower buds tommorow. Hopefully some of those that ought to bloom this coming week will survive (both the slugs, and my feet...).

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